Das aktuelle Programm

Dienstag, 4. Februar 2025

Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Eintritt: freier Musikbeitrag  


[DI, 04. Februar, 20:00] Frisch in die Focusyear-Ferien startet Lorenz Widauer, der den Heimatbesuch mit der Tuesday Session im ZWE eröffnet! Aus Basel mitgebracht hat er Mads Oldenskov, mit Urs Hager, Michael Acker und Matheus Jardim sind noch dazu drei local heroes am Start, die gemeinsam eine Band formen, die jungen Jazz auf allerhöchsten Niveau zu bieten wissen.. viel Spaß!
Beginn: 20:30 Uhr
Eintritt: 35  
Carl Sentance ist ein britischer Rocksänger, der seit 2015 Frontmann der schottischen Hardrock-Band Nazareth ist.
He was born 28th June 1961 in Loughborough Leicestershire, UK and started his first band LEADING STAR playing guitar and singing in 1977.
In 1981 he recorded his first single “Calling For You”, the band then recorded “Ridin High” in 1983.
In 1984 PERSIAN RISK toured with MOTÖRHEAD throughout the UK and appeared on The Tube prime time TV on Ch4. In 1985 Carl recorded his first PERSIAN RISK album „RISE UP“.
At this point he received an offer from manager Smallwood Taylor to join GEEZER BUTLER (BLACK SABBATH) as lead singer in his solo project. The collaboration lasted from 1986 to 1988 and created demo songs, videos and various bootlegs. Carl left the Geezer Butler Band in 1988 to join the Welsh band MONROE.
In 1988 Carl decided to return to Cardiff and joined the band TOK-IO ROSE. In 1990 he decided to move to Florida to form the band GHOST with Welsh ex- UFO and WASTED guitarist Paul Chapman.


feat. Tobias Pustelnik ts
Wayne Brasel g, Uli Lanthaler b, Jeff Boudreaux dm
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